Open Call

Senatsverwaltung • Work Scholarships for Early Music, New Music, and Sound Art



Target group/aims of the funding

Funding is available to professional artists and curators who work in the field of old and new music or sound art (composition, sound art, interpretation, curation, research).

The scholarships are intended to promote the diversity and quality of artistic and curatorial work produced in Berlin and to contribute to strengthening early music in Berlin.


  • Artists are identified by their artistic work and provide evidence of this with appropriate work samples.
  • Artists have completed artistic training and/or have proof of several years of artistic activity in Berlin in the field of early music and/or new music and/or sound art.
  • The criteria for awarding a scholarship are primarily quality, creative power, and continuity.
  • Applicants live and work in Berlin. The primary residence/main residence is in Berlin.
  • Applicants of non-European nationality can only apply if their passport contains a note from the Business Immigration Service ( BIS ) of the State Immigration Office ( LEA ), which allows them to work independently.
  • Applicants are not enrolled at any university.

Period of the tender

The work scholarships are usually advertised in November of each year for the following year.


When submitting your application, be sure to follow the additional information in the current information sheet.

reward / benefit

Each scholarship is worth €12,000. Research grants amount to €8,000.

All scholarships from the State of Berlin (work scholarships, research scholarships, and cultural exchange scholarships) can be combined up to an amount of €24,000 per year.

You can freely combine the work scholarship with other scholarships from domestic and foreign funding institutions not named here.

The combination with project funding is permitted.

Berlin, Germany
Berlin Senatsverwaltung
Jan 15, 2024
Price / Fee (in euros)
More about it
Opportunity website
Published on
Nov 10, 2023