**Installation Ether's Bloom marks the start of the first part of the artificial intelligence (AI) program at the Gropius Bau. Within this framework, from August 10, 2023, the works Technologies of Care (2016) and Cleaning Emotional Data (2020) by Elisa Giardina Papa as well as These Networks in Our Skin (2021) and The Cloth in the Cable (2022) by Mimi Ọnụọha can be seen in freely accessible rooms of the Gropius Bau. **
From October 12, 2023, Patricia Domínguez's work Madre Drone (2019-2020) and a work created especially for Ether's Bloom by the Berlin duo kennedy+swan will expand the presentation.
As part of Ether's Bloom, Fabmobil is also offering supervised workshops for children and young people from August 25 to 28, 2023, which promote technical understanding and open up new creative possibilities for collaboration with AI. Also, on September 1, 2023, Missing Data, Cleaning Data, Leaving Data, a conversation between Elisa Giardina Papa and Mimi Ọnụọha, will take place.
Ether's Bloom also includes different online formats. These include a residency format (writer in residence: K Allado-McDowell) as well as the Beyond and Within: AI Talks podcast.
Ether's Bloom is accompanied by the thinking and reflection of cultural scientist, researcher, and author Maya Indira Ganesh, who is present in various forms throughout the year with new content and publications.