Kysy Fischer

Based in
Berlin, Germany
Performing Arts
Director and Performer
Open to new jobs and projects


Kysy Fischer (BR) is the director of the performance collective ABA NAIA. She uses humor to confuse disciplines such as dance, performance art and theater. As a choreographer, she is interested in minimalist exaggeration as well as in playing with contradictions. Through her work, she seeks forms of contact with the audience and critiques the hierarchies of artistic spaces and practices. She has worked with various artists, groups and spaces such as Casa Selvática, Cia Senhas and Casa Hoffmann. In her academic research in Brazil, she explored her role in the Performance “DAN of DAN” and performance art as an applied philosophical practice. At Ballhaus Naunynstraße she works as a choreographic collaborator with artists such as Raphael Hillebrand in “Auf meinen Schultern”. Kysy has been with guest performances and projects in Germany (with her piece “We Can Do It Moaning” at ETB – IPAC, Ringlokschuppen, PAF Festival, with “otherMess” in Tanztage Potsdam and BAT Theatre), Brazil, Switzerland, Finland and Sri Lanka (Goethe Institute). On the 30th of June she will premiere "Super Superficial" in the maChoreography at HZT Berlin with the Aba Naia Collective, the musician Kriton Bayer and the light designer Raquel Rosildete.

Photo by Martina Thalhofer